

It all started when…

I needed a healthy way to connect, process and release the emotional baggage which was weighing down my heart and my body. I have always had a real love for ancient wisdom, be it from my own Celtic ancestry, healing medicine or tribal cultures from around the world and so it came as no surprise that as a practice Despacho opened up my heart in a profound way.

My 1st encounter arrived in the form of a women’s group in the east end of London, a far cry from the Andes mountains of South America and yet it was the catalyst for all future despachos I made.

I remembered and re-touched a sacred piece of my soul that night and in so doing, I re-connected myself back to the sacred energies of reciprocity, wholeness and freedom which now keep my life balanced, healthy and full of vitality.

Despacho gave permission to be in AYNI (right-relationship) with my needs and wisdom and has helped me to honour the journey of the woman inside me in a profoundly powerful but gentle, creative and fun way.

In this members area, you’ll discover all the tools you need to create your own Despacho as well as ways to join and be guided in online or face to face events with like-minded people.

Despacho does not require you to be anything other than you already are.

If you have a burning desire to let go of what feels heavy and invite in intention, dreams and your own sense of empowerment, click on the links below for more information and I look forward to seeing you there.

Much love

Amanda x